Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Blog Craze

Weblogs or "blogs" as they are more commonly referred to, are nothing new. They were made popular by people who wanted to start online journals that published virtually every topic imaginable.
Today, blogs have a much larger attraction. RSS (real simple syndication) has made blogs attractive to business owners because they are an effective way to communicate with customers without email. RSS Readers are beginning to become popular at astounding rates.

When you publish an article on your blog, a sysndicated news feed is downloaded by a special software program (RSS reader) that can immediately update content when it changes on a web site. The ever-growing problems with email making it's way to subscribers has made RSS feeds extremely popular. This trend is only gowing to continue!

To blog or not to blog?

Like I said before, most blogs have their own built in RSS feeds. When you post a new article on your blog, your subscribers can receive the new feed on their RSS readers without email reminders from you. Every time your site is updated, the feeds are also updated.

The cons

As with anything, there are drawbacks to a "blog only" delivery system. RSS feeds are just now starting to become popular. This means that only a fraction of the total Internet population even has RSS technology. At the time of this writing, roughly 20% are using RSS.

Many publishers are still using email to get their subscribers to their content!

I personally feel that it is better to have both a blog and an email newsletter as we watch this technology unfold. Better still, is to have a blog and a "web based" newsletter which uses the blog for archives. This way you appeal to both audiences and you still are moving forward with the trends. If RSS grows as predicted, you will have a jump on your competition.

My personal opinion is that nothing really measures up to good-ole email! It is the most efficient way I know to get your products or services in front of potential customers with the least amount of effort. You simply can't ignore the fact that RSS is making a strong showing on the Internet and it is something we simply can't ignore!


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12:14 AM  

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