Thursday, April 28, 2005

New TV addiction

I was addicted to The X Files and Ive wondered If I ever would be hooked again to another Tv show. Well , after several years it finnally happened. Im hooked on the new series "Revelation"
Ironically , the two man characters are a man Dr Massey and a nun who team up together to solve the unknown mystries of life just like Muldur and Scully did in the X Files only the older was for ETs and conspirecies and the newer is the secret of the end of days apocalypse prophecies. Both series also play on contemporary current events and theories. Also just like X files , you always wonder whether the two stars are going to have a romantic relationship.
Scully and Muldor teased, inticed and left us all high and dry.
Revelation is now 3 weeks deep and I dont think its going to get cut.

I kinda like the tv show "Numbers" but Im not life or death hooked on it like Revelations. I never was a Sit com kind a guy...

I want the seven headed horseman to come thundering down from the sky above me......



Monday, April 25, 2005


There is a new book coming out titled "Brain Trust" written by a PH.d. It is about mad cow disease, alzheimers disease, cattle mutilations, USDA, and hamburgers. Yes, they are all a part of the same scene.
It has been discovered in post mortem autopsies ( CSI CSI CSI!!!) that some alzheimers patients were mis diagnosed. They found evidence of mad cow disease in parts of their brain.
The infamous cattle mutilations are not being done by extraterrestrial but by hired covert contractors probably hired by some branch of the government to follow up on the prions population within cattle.
Did you know that about 30% of your hamburger consists of brain matter?

Let's all form a circle and hold hands and begin to PRAY!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Deja Vue

Hanoi Jane (Fonda) was giving a book signing . A vietnam vet stood in line for an hour waiting to get his book autographed. When he got to her , he spit a big quid of juiciy tobbaco in her face.
At least she has sense enough to swallow her pride and not file charges cause the hatred would just get worse. More book signings?? I doubt it.